Top Fishing Spots in Wyoming State Parks

To many, Wyoming is an angler's paradise, and with as many as 16 Wyoming State Parks and historic sites offering prime fisheries, these state-maintained venues boast a variety of fish species. Whether you're looking to land that big lunker or just catch something to fry up in a pan for dinner, there are several Wyoming State Parks that provide an opportunity to catch either.

Glendo State Park

While it's a popular water-recreation destination, Glendo State Park is also known for its walleye fishing. The best time of year for fishing is late spring (May through June) when most fish are caught, especially at the north end of the reservoir. As the calendar turns to late spring, the "bite" works its way down to the south end of the reservoir.

Wyoming State Parks fishing

By the end of June, fishing throughout the park is excellent. While most people fish from boats at Glendo, anglers can do just as well from the shoreline. During July, the water level in the reservoir begins dropping and fishing begins to slow down, but anglers experience fair-to-decent fishing again in September and continuing until the fall.

Seminoe State Park

Seminoe State Park, located centrally in the state and northeast of Rawlins, offers some great fishing for both trout and walleye. Browns, cutthroat and rainbow trout can all be caught at Seminoe, with browns usually the most active right after the ice comes off the reservoir. Cutthroats and rainbows become more active as the water warms and continue to be caught throughout the summer months.

Fishermen have the best luck at the river end of the reservoir during the early spring with fishing getting better in a northerly direction as the water warms. Walleye are usually the last species to become active in the reservoir -- usually around the later part of June. State-record-breaking walleye have been caught from Seminoe in the past.

Boysen State Park

No matter what type of fish you are looking to land, you can most likely find it at Boysen State Park. Walleye, sauger, perch, crappie, ling, rainbow, cutthroat and brown trout are the major sport species in Boysen Reservoir, however largemouth bass, bluegill, stonecat, black bullhead, mountain whitefish, lake trout, brook trout and splake are also available. A handful of other non-game species are also caught at Boysen.

Additionally, fish caught at Boysen are state-record holders for black crappie, 2.34 pounds; carp sucker at 6.15 pounds and walleye, 17.42 pounds; which also happens to be the world record for a walleye caught through the ice.

Buffalo Bill State Park

Buffalo Bill State Park offers productive year-round fishing with lake trout, rainbow trout and Yellowstone cutthroat trout, as well as mackinaw, walleye and perch. There is currently no limit on walleye. Fishing at Buffalo Bill is best by boat and it is not uncommon for anglers to catch mackinaw up to 15 pounds, walleye up to 13 pounds, lake trout as big as 25 pounds and rainbows as heavy as six pounds.

Keyhole State Park

Keyhole State Park in the northeast corner of the state also offers anglers a wide variety of fish to pursue. Some of the more-popular species at Keyhole are walleye, crappie, perch, smallmouth bass and northern pike, although drum and catfish also reside in the reservoir. Keyhole is the only place in Wyoming where northern pike is available.

Early spring, right after the ice comes off, is a good time to be on the reservoir with a fishing pole, as is late fall, just before the ice arrives. Ice fishing is good most years at Keyhole, however it has been reported that this past season wasn't as good as in the past.

While the above-listed reservoirs are some of the more-popular fisheries in the Wyoming State Park system, others such as Bear River, Curt Gowdy, Edness K. Wilkins, Guernsey, Hawk Springs, Medicine Lodge, Sinks Canyon, Connor Battlefield, Fort Fred Steel and South Pass City all offer fishing.

Wyoming State Parks fishing

Good river fishing can be found a short drive from the park along the North Platte River from I-80 at Fort Fred Steele State Historic Site all the way to the Gray Reef Area below Alcova Dam. In between lies the famous "Miracle Mile," well-known for its blue ribbon fly fishing.

Additionally, through the efforts of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Wyoming waterways have not been affected by Aquatic Invasive Species. Please adhere to mandatory boat inspections and remember to drain, clean and dry all watercraft.
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